what can i expect?
We supply a pdf of our flyer that can be edited to reflect the specifics about your event. This takes the pressure off of you and allows you to advertise the event worry-free! The day of the event, Jason comes on campus and does some event promotion before-hand, helping to generate interest and increase attendance. He offers his presentation to the attendees, but also takes time afterward to connect with students individually.
a tailored experience
Prior to your booking, Jason will work with you to create an experience that is tailored to your school's needs. This means the topics covered will focus on the area you want your students to learn about.
Topics could include:
• Study Abroad
• Community Engagement
• Volunteer Services
• International Student Initiatives
• Career Counseling
• Alternative Spring Break
• Cultural Competence
• Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives
interested in booking?
For additional booking information,
please contact:
Jason Boring
(347) 844-1448